Resilient MD Series: Physician Wellness and the “-isms” - a Holistic Approach to DEI

Join the SCCMA and the Physician Wellness Committee for a monthly solution-oriented wellness serires, Resilient MD.

 Event Date

May 17, 2022

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Registration Deadline

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

TITLE: Resilient MD: Physician Wellness and the “-isms” - a Holistic Approach to DEI
DATE: May 17, 2022
TIME: 6:00-7:00 PM
SPEAKERS: Maiysha Clairborne, MD and Jill Wener, MD
PRICE: FREE. Attendees will receive a $15 DoorDash gift card for each session attended and a copy of Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability and Meaningful Change by the speakers.

The Resilient MD Series is made possible by support from ProAssurance, professional liability insurance that defends healthcare providers facing malpractice claims and provides fair treatment for its insureds. ProAssurance Group’s rating is AM Best A (Excellent).

Join the SCCMA and the Physician Wellness Committee for a monthly solution-oriented wellness series, Resilient MD. Each one-hour session will begin with a grounding, wellness exercise led by Dr. Gail Wright so participants may be fully present and experience a moment of self-care. This is followed by a brief thematic presentation and engaging discussion aimed at envisioning a future where issues that negatively impact the practice of medicine and physician resilience can be successfully addressed. The session will close with Dr. Wright's Wellness Bite - an action-oriented take away you can use personally, with colleagues, and within your practice setting to find joy and meaning in medicine.

This session is the sixth in the Resilient MD series, and will be led by Maiysha Clairborne, MD and Jill Wener, MD.

Physicians and trainees with marginalized identities face micro-aggressions, bias, and overt racism on a daily basis. Research has shown that this can negatively impact their wellbeing. In this session, anti-racism educators Dr. Maiysha Clairborne and Dr. Jill Wener share some of the ways that the ‘isms’ can impact physician wellness, how the culture of medicine can perpetuate harm, and some practical tools that can help doctors and wellness leaders create true inclusion, justice and belonging.

About the Speakers: